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CORKBOSS U.S. Trademark Registration 6420422

Writer's picture: Law Office of Gerald R PrettymanLaw Office of Gerald R Prettyman

A Trademark should uniquely identify your product or service to the public. To do so, be sure NOT to use words that your competitors use, especially not descriptive terms such as "market" for a market. You can though use such a term by blending the term with an unrelated word, BUT you won't get registration if another company registers the word in a related product or service. You need more than a search for the word.

Fortunately, Trademark and Patent Attorney Gerald R. Prettyman helped the CorkBoss team overcome those hurdles, and secured Trademark Registration for the CORKBOSS patented device. See

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Comments, Gerald R. Prettyman, Patent Attorney, Image of swirling Andromeda galaxy


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As a U.S. Registered Patent Attorney, Gerald R. Prettyman may prepare, file and prosecute patent and trademark applications with the U. S. Patent and Trademark Office and copyright applications with the U.S. Copyright Office and may prepare patent, trademark and copyright applications for filing in foreign countries. As most countries require an in-country attorney to file these applications, Gerald R. Prettyman will work with you and counsel in foreign countries for foreign filings. Gerald R. Prettyman is licensed to practice law  in California and Minnesota. This website is not a solicitation for legal practice in other states.

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